Monday, February 23, 2015

Tools : Softera LDAP Browser

I found this very help full tools to query my Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, as Stupid Administrator usually I used Active Directory Users and Computers console to find information trough object properties, then my Boss ask me to find "How many Users are not logged in for the last 30, 90, 180 and 360 days ?" I knew that this last logged in information are recorded in Active Directory Database, but how do I collect them, so I need tools to filter which user that meet my Boss criteria want. Then I found this tools Softera LDAP Browser 4.5 as explain in their official web, this tools help to browsing, search, export etc, every kind of LDAP database including Windows Server Active Directory. It's free license and can run under operating system at least Windows XP SP2, me using Windows 8.1 Pro x64 and running well without any problems. I download installation file from this link : There's a 64Bit Installer but I don't know why not working on my 64bit Windows 8.1 pro, so I just installed 32bit version.